Sight Glass Flights, LLC is a Texas-based drone service provider specializing in industrial solutions. Sight Glass operators are FAA licensed pilots and certified thermal imaging experts utilized high-definition cameras as well as thermal and optical gas imaging (OGI) sensors to collect, analyze and deliver accurate actionable data.Incident Response
Providing real time data for incident management teams to assess, monitor and resolve threatening situations safely and effectively. Thermal sensors for body heat detection in search missions and locating hot spots in burning/smoldering structures.
Collect critical data for line inspections, storm damage assessments, structural integrity and new as-built records while improving safety by reducing the need for working at heights.
Oil & Gas
Gas detection services with FLIR OGI sensors at plant sites, pipeline leak detection while inspecting ROWs, mapping for new construction, structural integrity of tanks and facilities with thermal sensors and high definition cameras.
Building Efficency
Buildings and roofs of any height and size can be easily accessed with our aerial thermal sensors. Assess building efficiency and roof integrity accurately and efficiently.