Visionz ePortal

Learn about the Visionz ePortal

The Visionz ePortal is a web-based, engaging educational tool for young people all over America who have struggled to learn some of the most important life lessons and skills.

These young people cannot survive without financial literacy or business acumen, and yet they're unable to get the help they need, because it's not presented in a way that encourages learning.

Using the ePortal and its accompanying app, students are given a vibrant, exciting online learning experience in some of the most important skills areas.

The Visionz ePortal:
What is it?

Every year, millions of unengaged young people sit in classes all over the nation, just to learn how to manage their finances or succeed in the workforce. Others flip through books filled with pie charts and long paragraphs, while other still swipe through their mobile phones, desperately searching for the information they need. Not anymore. With the Visionz ePortal and its companion app, young people use games, role playing, videos, and even social media to learn financial literacy, lifestyle management, social media, and workforce preparation.

For parents and teachers, the ePortal delivers a clear picture of progress. Using a "traveling roadmap" teachers and parents will be able to see, at a glance, just how much of the curriculum is finished. Most classroom and online courses are tailored to students who have only the most basic technological skills. Visionz students have been using technology their whole lives; they just need a vehicle to help them learn the way they like to learn.

Elements of the ePortal App

  • Interactive Content: A customized avatar guides users through sections, using role play and various types of media to teach lessons.
  • Social Media: The Visionz app and ePortal allows users to interact - and challenge - other users to skills contests.
  • Testing and Training: Highly interactive, multimedia quizzes and tests gauge what students know and don't know
  • Self-paced Experience: Users can learn at their own pace, and return to different sections to refresh their memory on various topics.

How Youth Can Utilize
the ePortal

If a young person...

  • Has no idea how to balance a budget or manage finances...
  • Lacks the social skills or know-how to navigate social situations (both inside and outside business)
  • Wants to enter the workforce, but doesn't know how...
  • Love social media, but needs direction on keeping posts business-friendly...

The Visionz ePortal is specifically for them.